Dutch Zeebrief Registration

a few words about

Dutch Zeebrief Registration

Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration is the highest level of boat registration The Netherlands has to offer. This boat registration gives your boat or yacht the formal Dutch nationality. It is issued by the Dutch Ministry of Transport and the Dutch government in the name of our head of state, the King of the Netherlands.
With this formal and top quality yacht registration, your boat or yacht can sail to any country in the world, giving you a warm welcome, without any problem.
We also provide boat registrations, registered under other nationalities. Such as the highly respected UK part 1 Registration (British flag) or the popular and affordable Polish boat registration.

Benefits of a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration

1. Fully accepted by the nautical authorities and government of any country in the world

2. Yacht gets the formal nationality of the Kingdom of The Netherlands and which is issued by the Dutch government in the name of the King

3. Only 1 initial “non technical” inspection for marking and carving of the yacht

4. No recurring annual inspections of the yacht

5. No yacht taxes

6. No demands or annual inspections on flares and life saving electronics or equipment

7. Valid as long as the yacht owner decides – no end date

8. No limitation in miles from shore

9. CE certification is no issue for the issue of the registration

10. No questions asked about the VAT status of the yacht for the issue of the registration

11. Available for EU citizens or NON EU citizens in combination with an EU company

12. No third party insurance needed when making the registration request

13. Provisional registration available

How does it work?

How does it work?
Do you need a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration? Maritimo Dubrovnik can apply the registration request for you. As we communicate entirely in English, we serve customers from all over the world.
For a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration we need the following documents:
Copy of your notary legalized passport or ID card
Original Bill of Sale
In case of a previous registry, we also need a original copy of the deletion document
When applying for a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration, you just need to follow a few steps in our online registration process. When we have received the required documents, we will submit your information to request the Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration.
The Dutch Cadastre will send their inspector on board of your boat or yacht for inspection and do the marking and carving. This is a one-time inspection.
After completion, you will get send your boat registration by overnight courier.

Online registration

You can easily apply for your yacht registration online.
Required data
To apply for a yacht registration, you need various information about your yacht. The name, type, model and, for example, the year of construction are requested. In addition, all necessary data and documents are submitted online. Everything is arranged quickly and completely paperless. This allows you to use your yacht registration even faster.

I do not have a European passport

Anyone can get an Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration. If you are not owning an European passport we can still request a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration for you. It is necessary that the ownership of the boat lies within Europe. This can be done by setting up an Irish Limited Company under your name of which you are the only owner. Our partner BlueWater Registration Services will arrange the whole process.
After we’ve created your new Irish Ltd., you prepare a new bill of sale to transfer the ownership of your boat or yacht to your new Irish Ltd. This way the ownership of your boat now lies within the EU.
Please note that the company, of which you are the only owner, will not be active and so you do not have to pay any taxes nor do you have any other obligations. You don’t even need an UK or Irish bank account. As we are an experienced company in the Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief registrations, we have this entire process systematically figured out and available in a simple online registration form.

I do have a European passport

Do you have an European passport? Then we can register your boat or yacht at your own personal name.

How long does it take to get a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration?

When you apply for a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration via our online registration process, the period from applying till the actual boat registration takes around 4-6 weeks. In some cases this can even be a bit longer, depending on how busy the authorities are.

For More Information You Can Call Us At:

Dutch Zeebrief Registration

How much does it cost?

The registration itself
The Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief Registration costs are € 1750,- . The necessarily one time inspection is not included and depends on the location of your boat or yacht. In Europe the average costs are in between € 750,- and € 1000,-. Naturally, BlueWater Registration Services manages the entire registration process.
Recurring annual costs after the first year are € 250,- and include all costs, fees, representation, domicile, fillings, etc.

Shown prices include all our services such as:

What documents are required for a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief boat registration?

During the online registration process for a Dutch Worldwide Zeebrief boat registration, we require the following documents:
Owner’s identity in case of a private individual or proof of identity of all directors in case of a company. This type of boat registration requires a notarized passport.
Proof of ownership / sale agreement (invoice, bill of sale or notary statement)
In case of a previous registry, we require a copy of the deletion document
In case the yacht is over 24 meters the owner needs to provide an ITC69 Certificate himself. This has to be done by an approved classification company. You can find a the list of approved classification company’s here: https://www.ilent.nl/onderwerpen/erkende-organisaties-zeevaart/documenten/publicaties/2021/12/06/overzicht-erkende-klassenbureaus
Please note: all documents need to be written in English. If the documents are not in English a translation of these documents needs to be provided. This can be done by you, the yacht owner or a formal translator.

Registration procedure

  • Fill out our online form and upload all relevant documents
  • We check your paperwork and send you our invoice, which can be paid by any major credit card or by bank transfer
  • We will provide you with the new bill of sale which you need to sign
  • The registration of your boat under the UK flag begins! You will receive your registration certificate by overnight courier
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